Friday, January 15, 2010

A few videos of traffic

Below are several links that give you a flavor of the traffic here.
This one Nick filmed on the main street - Kim Ma - that he and Dashal live by. This is a relatively calm traffic situation, mid-day. Toward the end of the clip you will see that the traffic has stopped for an unseen light, which allows cross traffic to occur. U-turns are a regular part of the traffic flow.

These next three youtube clips were by other folk, but they show the more frantic traffic scene.
This one is on a smaller street, taken from a sidewalk corner:

And another one, a small street without many cars. Things to note: there are actually traffic lights here, which you can tell because MOST of the motor bikes adhere to it. But you will see occasional ones who ignore it and cross the traffic in the midst of the stream. Also note the way the pedestrians "dance" across the street - there is definitely an art to weaving through the traffic patterns, chaotic as they are. You also might note the little shops in the background, each about 12 feet across.

This one is a major intersection with time lapse, etc. An interesting take.



  1. So many motorcycles. [The last 3 links all connect me to the "smaller street, taken from a sidewalk corner" video, for some reason.]

  2. Thanks, I'll see if I can correct it.

  3. They should all work now. If not, copy the URL and paste it into your web browser.
